If I would have to narrow it down to just two essential steps for maintaining healthy skin during the stressful holiday season, they would be:
1| HYDRATE (Internally and Externally)
Stress, lack of sleep, and climate changes (cold air and indoor heating) can all contribute to dehydrated skin. Keeping your skin well-hydrated helps it to stay plump, calm, and resilient to irritation. Hydrating from the inside by drinking plenty of water, herbal teas, water rich foods, electrolytes. It's a challenge to find a good quality electrolytes drink without sugar and without added sugar. While ago I found exceptional brand at my favorite acupuncture place here in Lake Tahoe and I'm sticking with it. No sugar and without synthetics! LINK HERE**
Hydrating from the outside by using highly hydrating and nourishing skincare products, is A MUST! From our Natura Culina skincare line, I highly recommend these winter skincare warriors:
Rose Glow AM|PM Hydration Cream
It is absolute key to go to sleep with clean face. If your skincare routine is out of balance during the holiday madness (and I wouldn't be surprised) if you could do only ONE thing before bed, wash your face!!
From our Natura Culina I recommend:
Liquid Gold Cleansing Duo you can find one that suits your skin if it is dry or oily, mature or with breakouts or simply maintaining a healthy skin.
With all the chaos and endless skincare tips flooding social media, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. I hope this share will bring little ease into your daily structure remembering and putting these two key habits into play when necessary.
Wishing you Happy Holidays!
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